18-21 June 2025

ASEAN's Only Exhibition on Factory Construction, Maintenance, Facility Management and Technology - 4th Edition

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About the Show

FacTech will assist thousands of owners and facility managers of factories and commercial buildings in improving their facility planning and management with a comprehensive range of solutions for facility design, construction, and maintenance; energy management; safety & security management; waste management; and Internet networks from hundreds of international service providers. 

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Hurry!! until 21 April reserve you space for BDS program at FacTech 2025

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Reduce Quality Loss During Industrial Production with AI

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Find Who and What Products Will Be Waiting for You to "Modernizing Facilities" at the Event

"Different. Complement. Development."

RX Tradex believes that diversity and differences in opinions, cultures, and personal identities are valuable powers that drive growth. That is why our events are designed to be open platforms where people from various businesses, organizations, and backgrounds can equally access contents and express personal ideas that can complement one another through activities and media at the shows. A place where everyone can take part in developing oneself, their businesses, industries, and economies.

As a founding member of the 'Net Zero Carbon Events' pledge, RX is committed to being Net Zero by 2040 through continued collaborative work throughout the event sector.

At RX we are serious about sustainability, Which is why we signed the 'Net Zero Carbon Events' pledge in 2021 and have formed a dedicated Sustainability Council. By 2023, we aim to cut our greenhouse gas emissions in half and achieve net zero by 2040 and we've already made a good start!

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Connect with Us

For Visitors

For more information, please contact us:

T. +66 2686 7222 

F. +66 2 686 7266 

E. [email protected]

For Space Booking

Please contact: Ms. Kachamas Boonrod

T. +66 2686 7320

E. [email protected]

For Media Relations

Please contact: Ms. Ekanong Poshyananda

T. +66 2686 7354

E. [email protected]

Mr. Amnat Somsri

T. +66 2686 7201

E. [email protected]


“FACTECH 2025” is open to trade visitors only.  Please dress in business attire. Minors under the age of 15 will not be permitted into the exhibition hall.  The organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone without cause or explanation.